Drew Brown bio photo

Drew Brown

Coder, Business Student, Full-Time Geek.

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About Me

I am currently studying business at The University of Utah with a focus on information systems and data science. I love exploring the intersection of business and technology, and in my heart, I’ll always be a programmer. I like to apply lessons and skills I’ve picked up coding in everything I do.


My work and academic careers have involved a lot of sitting at a computer (which I actually enjoy more than most) so I try to find ways to spend leisure time away from a desk.

Three Gorges Dam - China

  • Travel - I know, I know… everyone and their dog enjoys travel. Well, I do too! I prefer traveling without a lot of plans and just exploring and letting my trip develop naturally. Last summer I bought a one-way ticket to China and ended up staying in hostels, riding trains, going on a river cruise and of course hiking the great wall. I’m always planning my next trip and looking for excuses to get out of town whenever I can.

  • Ultimate Frisbee - I don’t play as much as I used to, but I love playing organized, competitive Ultimate Frisbee. Every fall (and most summers) for the last six years I have participated in the Orem Ultimate league.

Dominion - Seaside

  • Board Games - I’m a big fan of strategic board and card games. I love getting together with old friends and meeting new people by playing games around a table. Some of my favorites include Dominion, Small World, Firefly: The Game, and Codenames. I really appreciate the hard work that went in to designing these and other great games, and love trying to come up with creative game designs myself.

Solo Flight

  • Flying - I am learning to fly and currently building up hours toward getting a private pilot license. You may want to listen to your local air traffic control to make sure I’m not flying in your area…